Chi siamo

Passion Brazil è la vostra porta d'accesso al cuore e all'anima del Brasile. Con sede a Rio de Janeiro dal 2004, abbiamo sviluppato la nostra esperienza per creare esperienze di viaggio memorabili per i nostri viaggiatori internazionali. Siamo una DMC specializzata in vacanze su misura, tour di interesse speciale, gruppi di lavoro e di piacere, eventi e viaggi incentive.

In un Paese così vario e incantevole come il nostro, ogni viaggio è unico.

Ecco perché siamo orgogliosi della nostra capacità di personalizzare ogni avventura, garantendo che ogni momento sia speciale e che ogni ricordo duri per tutta la vita. Il nostro team Passion è qui per guidarvi in ogni fase del viaggio, curando l'itinerario perfetto per soddisfare i vostri interessi e preferenze, i vostri gusti e le vostre preferenze. Che si tratti di organizzare un evento speciale o una celebrazione, di avventurarsi in un viaggio significativo con la famiglia, di esplorare la nostra vasta rete di hotel selezionati o di una fuga romantica, ci impegniamo a trasformare il sogno brasiliano in realtà.

Venite con noi a scoprire le tante sfaccettature del Brasile: la sua gente, la natura, la cultura, la storia, la gastronomia, la musica, la felicità e tutto quello che c'è in mezzo e oltre.

Nome dell'agente

Nome dell'agente

Our Passion Team

A team of innovative, passionate and experienced professionals highly committed to deliver the best moments to our clients. Each member specializes in specific markets and Brazilian regions, enabling you to offer an unrivalled knowledge of Brazil in the most suitable, personalized and competitive way.

Bárbara Lobo

FIT & Groups

Cecilia Marin

Individual Travelers

Vincent Boucher

Group Tours

Sabrina Laranjeira

Sales Department

Deborah Pereira

MICE & Special Projects

Fernanda Nickel

Luxury Travel

Maria José Varella

Products & Contracting

Cinthia Louza

Business Development

Our history

2004 - Passion Brazil was born, bringing to life a dream of sharing the wonders of Brazil with the French market at first, then expanding to the world. Based in Rio de Janeiro, with a branch office in Paris led by our founder, Mariana Rosa, the company set out to craft authentic, bespoke travel experiences that celebrate Brazil’s vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality.

2007 - Our journey took an important step forward with Cédric Wavelet joining as an associate partner (of French origin). His expertise and background has improved our internal organization, enhanced our administrative and financial process, and developed our technological strategies.

2018 - We expanded our horizons with the launch of Passion Collection, our luxury DMC brand. This new chapter was marked by recognition within the high-end travel industry, joining esteemed associations such as Serandipians, Pure, and Xodós by BLTA, solidifying our place among the best in bespoke luxury travel.

2020 - When the world paused, we focused our team’s energy on reimagining possibilities and launched a new division: a Brazil-specialist tour operator dedicated to supporting Brazilian travel agencies. Our goal was to inspire travelers to (re)discover the beauty of their own country, offering tailored experiences that adapted to the moment while staying true to our mission of inspiring journeys.

2021 - Through our brand Passion Collection for luxury travelers, we embraced another milestone by opening a new destination: France.

2024 - We celebrated 20 years of Passion Brazil, as a reflection of our incredible journey of growth, resilience, and innovation. Click here to see video of our celebration!

Why Us

Exclusive Benefits for Passion Clients

We go the extra mile to make your experience exceptional by offering thoughtful perks whenever possible. These added values are part of our effort to provide your clients with special touches.

Sustainable and Responsible Travel

We believe in travel that leaves a positive impact. That’s why we prioritize eco-friendly experiences and sustainable properties, support local communities, and curate programs that are as good for the planet as they are for the soul.

24/7 Support and Expert Logistics

Your peace of mind is our priority. With round-the-clock availability and dedicated logistics and operations support, you’re never alone during your journey with us.

Guest Experience

Every traveler is unique, and so is their adventure. Our team tailors all its details, adapting and personalizing every step with the local partners involved, and remaining fully available to assist your clients along their journeys.

Authentic Brazilian Experiences

We bring the true essence of Brazil to life with programs that immerse you in the local culture. Meet inspiring Brazilians, taste authentic flavors, explore local markets, and uncover the heartbeat of our country.

Seamless Online Tariff & Booking System

We make travel planning easy and efficient with our state-of-the-art booking system, designed to save time and deliver clarity at every step – providing online access to rates and availability.

Lasciate che vi mostriamo la bellezza, il fascino e la magia del Brasile e preparatevi a intraprendere un viaggio memorabile con noi!


Passione per
il Pianeta

Ci impegniamo a fornire esperienze di viaggio autentiche, promuovendo la conservazione dell'ambiente e investendo in un impatto positivo sulle comunità e sugli ecosistemi locali. Abbracciamo la responsabilità sociale incoraggiando un nuovo sguardo sul turismo, in modo che diventi un nuovo agente di conservazione e trasformazione.
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  • +55 21 3288-7899
Av Nossa Senhora de Copacabana 928, Suite 701, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasile, 22060-002

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