Passion for the Planet

Ci impegniamo a fornire esperienze di viaggio autentiche, promuovendo la conservazione dell'ambiente e investendo in un impatto positivo sulle comunità e sugli ecosistemi locali. Abbracciamo la responsabilità sociale incoraggiando un nuovo sguardo sul turismo, in modo che diventi un nuovo agente di conservazione e trasformazione.

Our Passion in Motion

Social projects that we actively support and participate in, seeking to collaborate with environmental awareness and make a significant contribution to the good of society.

Sustainability & Reflorestation

In partnership with local NGOs, we have launched our Sustainability and Reforestation label, planting tree seedlings in the forest on behalf of our guests travelling in the Amazon.

Carbon Compensation

Through a carbon emissions management program we calculate our emissions from travel, transport and day-to-day life and offset them.

Support for Environmental Conservation and Ecotourism

We contribute to socio-economic development and environmental conservation in key regions through ecotourism initiatives, ecological education, collaboration with local communities, and scientific research. Our efforts support the study and conservation of native species and their ecosystems, promoting the preservation of birds, along with other wildlife in their natural habitats.

Social Initiatives & Immersive and Impactful Experiences

From connecting local communities with international travellers to supporting projects in the Amazon, our efforts focus on fostering cultural exchange, education, and community development. Beyond connecting travelers with authentic cultural experiences, we contribute to the growth of these communities through donations, guests’ participation in different social projects, and sustainable partnerships, with the potential to replicate these concepts across new regions.

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  • +55 21 3288-7899
Av Nossa Senhora de Copacabana 928, Suite 701, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasile, 22060-002

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